Once you’ve decided not to keep skills to 5% intervals then going to a d6 (and you could always choose to take 3% if you didn’t want to gamble) is perfectly sane.

I didn’t moan about the way the experience tick had changed. I tried to weld something like the GURPS encumbrance system onto RQ3: it never quite worked. If I’d been as cunning then as age has made me now I’d have made it the GM’s job not to track fatigue of each individual character but the length of the fight which would have become a penalty over time. I threw Fatigue points right out of the window, a decision that I sort of regret now. I was one of the people who somehow scraped together the money (I faint at the thought even now) and tried to use it. If you’d like the GROGZINE 19 and The Collected Daily Dwarf Vol 3 and Judge Blythy’s Book of Judgments - then please chuck us a tip in the beret and join the Patreon campaign OUTRO: Check out the RuneQuest Actual Play with The Smart Party. THE WHITE DWARF: A survey of RQ3 as it appeared (and disappeared) from White Dwarf, written by the wonderful BLYTHY RULES! Dirk and Blythy pick over the bones of RQ3 and there’s a monster quiz! This is a great chat about the nineties renaissance. He wrote a report in the early nineties for The Tales of the Reaching Moon explaining how the game could be revived. He was instrumental in keeping the flame alive as a fan as he wrote and developed Sun County, the first RuneQuest supplement produced for 8 years, following Avalon Hill acquiring the game in 1984.

OPENBOX: Chaosium’s Vice President tells the stories of his formative years in role-playing and how RuneQuest in Glorantha was so important to him. The sound is a bit haywire on this podcast, hope it doesn’t spoil things too much. RQ3 contributed to us stopping playing, so this is a chance to revisit the game and see what happened when we stopped playing.

Complete ship combat rules - no counters or maps, just roleplaying - for playing out ship-to-ship battles, where style and daring are more important that strategy and skill.INTRO: Three years of GROGPODing and Forty Years of RuneQuest seems like a great point in time to revisit the game that we played the most back in the day. Facts and fiction from the Golden Age of Piracy, from centers of piracy such as Port Royal in the Caribbean, to the"articles of agreement" that governed pirate society, to the famous pirates who still capture the imagination.
#Gurps 3rd edition skills how to
Details on the Paris of Dumas' Musketeers, including descriptions of major personalities - both real and fictional - and How to be French. Historical backgrounds and chronologies for the eras of sailing ships and musketeers, including aspects of everyday life and fasion. New martial arts maneuvers and styles, from the "Old School" style of military combat, to the Spanish style of La Destreza Verdadera (The True Skill), which taught students geometry and philosophy as well as swordplay. "Pirates, Musketeers, and Highwaymen all come alive in this worldbook of romantic adventure from Elizabeth I to Napoleon." "Or wait on the quiet back roads of England on a moonless night, pistols and reigns in your hands, and hope the Squire's coach isn't too well guarded.

"Swing from a chandelier into the fray, with rapier in hand and dagger in teeth, and show the Cardinal's guards they can't insult the queen! "Come to the age of the Swashbuckler, when the world was wide and fortunes could be made in an afternoon of smoking cannons and bloody cutlasses! "Adventure in a Time of Gallantry and Grace "Roleplaying in the World of Pirates and Musketeers"Ī major expansion of the first two editions of GURPS Swashbucklers.